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| Anthony, Andrew W - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, certificate no. 25106 (1934) |
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| Artzner, Lawrence A - World War I Draft Registration Card, Carroll Co., Ohio, 1918 |
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| Artzner, Lawrence A - World War II Draft Registration Card, Carroll Co., Ohio, 1942 (back) |
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| Artzner, Lawrence A - World War II Draft Registration Card, Carroll Co., Ohio, 1942 (front) |
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| Artzner, Leo F - World War I Draft Registration Card, Stark Co., Ohio, 1917 |
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| Artzner, Leo F - World War II Draft Card, 1942 (back) |
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| Artzner, Leo F - World War II Draft Card, 1942 (front) |
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| Atkins, Samuel - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, v. 25-28, cert. 463 (1916) |
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| Barnett, Perry N - World War I Draft Card, New Mexico 1918 Mouse over names in the document image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Belcher, Rissie - Death Certificate Mouse over names in the document image to link to people mentioned in the document. |
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| Bobo, Leon P - Birth Certificate - Texas, 1923, certificate 59900 |
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| Breitenstein, Louis J - Death Certificate - Ohio Deaths, 1930, Certificate Number 75158 |
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| Burtscher, Mary L - Death Certificate Mouse over areas on the image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Canter, Philippe and Laubacher, Marie C - Marriage - Veckersviller, Moselle (57), France, 1760 "Anno millesimo Septingentesimo Sexagesimo quin...
februarii post trinam proclamationem in Ecclesis
parochialibus de Weckersweiller et Mitelbron
et constat ex Litteris testimonalibus Domini Man...
curato ibidem sine ulla detectione impedimenta
sive canoniis sen Civili matrimonii benediction...
receperunt Philipus Canter viduus defunctæ
Annæ Lomon ex Mittelbron et Maria Cathari...
Laubacher filia Legitima defuncti Sebastiani
Laubacher et Annæ Maria Herman ex Weckers
weiller in præsentia Christophori Metzger et
Pauli Salin qui cum sponso et sponsa fuerunt
signum manuale quia non habent usum scribe...
et in præsentia Claudii Seigel ex Mittelbron
et Blasii Andre ex Sincrist qui Subscripseru...
Signum sponsi +
Signum Pauli Salin +
Signum + sponsa
Signum Christophori O Metzger
Claude Saigle
Blaise Andre
J:L: Dalstein, curatus in Weckersweiler"
"In the year one thousand Seven Hundred Sixty, [on the] 5[th of]
February after three proclamations [of banns] in the Parish
Churches of Veckersviller and Mittlebron
and having Letters Testimentary from Father Man...,
curator of the same [that is, the priest in Mittelbron] and without detecting any impediment
in the canon or civil [law] I blessed the marriage...
of Philippe Canter widower of the late woman
Anne Lomon from Mittelbron and Marie Catheri[ne]...
Laubacher legitimate daughter of the late Sebastian
Laubacher and Anne Marie Herman of Veckers-
viller, in the presence of Christopher Metzger and
Paul Salin, who with the groom and bride made
their marks because they have not the use of writ[ing],
and in the presence of Claude Saigle of Mittelbron
and Blaise Andre of Sincrist who signed below...
mark of the groom +
mark of Paul Salin +
mark + of the bride
mark of Christopher O Metzger [his mark is the 'O']" |
15 |
| Chor, Salome - Death 1784 - Eschbourg Parish Registry "Salome
Chor ex
Anno Domini millessimo septigentissimo octogessimo
quarto, die vigessima octava menses octobris obiit
Salomea Chor uxor Jacobi Laubacher civis
operarie conjugum iero tempore in graufthal
huius parochio commerantes, sacramentes
pœnitentiæ, Eucharistiæ, et Extremæ unctionis
rite præmanita, et die sequenti exsis et
a mi ejusdem, a me insfra scripto sepulta
est in cæmeterio hujate, præfatibes testibus."
Chor from
On 28 Oct 1784 AD, Salome Chor died, wife of
Jacob Laubacher, a citizen legally married in
Graufthal and living in that parish, who
had the sacraments of confession and last
rites previously, and on the next day in
the same place by me, the undersigned, was buried
in the cemetery here, this I testify." |
16 |
| Colburn, Melvin G - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, Certificate no. 27555 (1973) |
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| Colburn, Melvin G - World War I Draft Registration Card, Alabama 1918 Mouse over names in the document image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Cothern, Cathern E - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, certificate no. 20547 (1942) |
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| Cotton, James W - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, certificate no. 22050 (1964) |
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| Cowen, Milam A - Death Certificate Mouse over different areas of the document image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Cowen, Milam A - Obituary - Abilene (TX) Reporter-News, 19 Jul 1973, p. 8-A |
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| Dell, Henry P - Death Certificate |
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| Dell, Philip H - Death Certificate |
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| Diehl, John R - Death Certificate |
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| Dodivers, Anne Louise - Birth and Baptism - Anteuil, Doubs, France - Baptisms, Marriages, Burials, 1737 - 1792, image 219 (part) "filia joannis claudus dodiver agricola danteuille
et servasiæ manet conjugum nata fuit die vigesima
prima septembris 1773 et baptisata fuit ab obstetrica
in domo patris fui; et allata fuit in ecclesia die
vigesima quinta corumdem mensis et anni et fuit
sub conditione baptisata a parocho infra scripto
vocatur anna ludovica. ejus patrinus fuit girardus
puton et ejus matrina anna ludovica dodiver
subsignavut sieur(?) partrix(?)
(signatures) MB Sauourey
jean claudedodiver
gerard puton
j.s.steddet pbiter parochus in anteuille
anne Louise dodiver"
"daughter of Jean Claude Dodiver, farmer, of Anteuil
and Servoire Manet, married, was born day twenty-
one of September, 1773 and was baptised during birth
in the father's home, and (later?) was in the church day
twenty-five same month and year and was
under these conditions baptized by the priest undersigned,
was named Anna Ludovica. The godfather was Girardus
Puton and the godmother Anna Ludovica Dodiver.
Signed below..." |
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| Dodivers, Anne Louise - Death - Anteuil, Doubs, France - Births and Deaths, 1793 - 1832, image 294 (part) "L'an mil huit cent quinze le cinq décembre a dix heure du
matin par devant nous jean claude perrey maire et officier de létat
Civil dela commune d'anteuil, Canton de clerval département du doub,
sont Comparu jaique dodiver agée de Cinquante deux ans, et étienne
Lab agée de Cinquante huite ans, lex deux Cultivateur domicilié
en Cette Commune, Lesquels nous ont déclarée le premier en
qualitée de neveur, et le second en Celle de voisin et ami, que le jour
d'hier quatre du Courant a neuf heure du soir, anne Louise dodiver
agée de soixante ans et décédée aux domicile de veuve pierre joseph
Lab sa nieve audit anteuil est les déclarants ont signé avec nous
le present acte de décès aprés qùils leur en a étè fait Lecture.
(signed) ÈtienneLab, Jacque dodiver, Perrey, maire"
"The year (one) thousand eight hundred fifteen, the fifth December at ten hours of the
morning, before me, Jean Claude Perrey, mayor and officer of the civil
state of the commune of Anteuil, canton of Clerval, department of Doubs,
have appeared Jacque Dodiver, aged fifty-two years, and Étienne
Lab, aged fifty-eight years, both farmers domiciled
in this commune. They to me declared the first to be
a nephew and the second to be a neighbor and friend, and that the fourth
day of the current (month) at nine hours of the evening, Anne Louise Dodiver,
aged sixty years, died at the home of her late husband Pierre Joseph
Lab, located in the said Anteuil. These declarants have signed with me
this death certificate after it was read aloud to all." |
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| Donaldson, Marvin H - Inmate Intake p. 1 - New Mexico State Penitentiary |
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| Donaldson, Marvin H - Inmate Intake p. 2 - New Mexico State Penitentiary |
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| Donaldson, Walter R - Inmate Intake p. 1 - New Mexico State Penitentiary |
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| Donaldson, Walter R - Inmate Intake p. 2 - New Mexico State Penitentiary |
31 |
| Donison, George A - Probate Letter of Administration, Stoddard Co., Missouri 1898 Mouse over names in the document image to link to people referred to in the document |
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| Eaton, Arminta M - Death Certificate Mouse over different areas of the document image to link to people shown in the document |
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| Eaton, James R - Death Certificate Mouse over different areas of the document image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Eaton, James R - Draft Registration, Texas 1942 (front of card) |
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| Eaton, James R - Draft Registration, Texas, 1942 (back of card) |
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| Eaton, James R - World War I Draft Card, Akansas 1918 |
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| Eaton, James R - World War I Draft Card, Akansas, 1917 |
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| Eaton, James R and Allen, Essie V - Marriage Bond, License and Return - Newton Co., Arkansas, 1913 Note the witnesses were the fathers of the bride and groom |
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| Eaton, Joseph A - Death Certificate - Texas Deaths 1890-1976 |
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| Eaton, Joseph P - World War I Draft Registration - Akansas, 1918 |
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| Eaton, Joseph P and Gibson, Maudie - Marriage License and Return - Johnson Co., AR, 1916 |
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| Eaton, Margaret A - Death Certificate - Texas Deaths 1890-1976 |
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| Eaton, Mary J - Death Certificate Mouse over names in the document image to link to people mentioned in the document |
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| Erbland, Alphonse J - Obituary - Canton (Ohio) Repository, 1968 |
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| Erbland, Alphonse J - World War I Draft Card - Ohio, 1918 |
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| Feld, Charlotte M - Death and Burial - Morges, Carroll, Ohio 1875 "2. Charlotte Margaretha Reich nata Feld, vidua ae
82. annorum, obiit 6. Januarii, sep. 8. ejusdem.
H Tischler, par."
"2. Charlotte Margarethe Reich nee Feld, widow age
82 years, died 6 January [1875], bur. 8 of the same month.
H Tischler, pastor" |
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| Fisher, Irvin - Inmate Intake - New Mexico State Penitentiary, 1931 |
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| Fisher, Irvin - Inmate Intake p. 2 - New Mexico State Penitentiary, 1931 |
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| Franks, Allen T - Death Certificate - Alabama Deaths, v. 13-16 (1917), certificate 476 |
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| Franz, Catherine - Burial - Old Saint Peter Church, 1861 "Mart. 11 Sepelivi Cath. Weckmann, uxorem H. Weckmann, 52 annos natum, eodem loco"
"Mar. 11 I buried Cath. Weckmann, wife [of] H. Weckman, 52 years old, same place" |